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About: Dop Stickman - Jailbreak

Enter the captivating world of DOP Stickman - Jailbreak, where creativity meets strategy in a daring escape adventure. In this intriguing drawing game, you'll guide Stickman as he plots his escape from prison. With a countdown of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, your mission begins: draw a single part and pave the way for Stickman's freedom. Get ready to immerse yourself in an escape puzzle game that combines drawing, strategy, and a captivating story of love and determination.

How to play

  • Plan Your Escape: As the countdown begins, Stickman is ready to break free. Your task is to draw a single part that will help him overcome obstacles, navigate challenges, and ultimately escape from prison.
  • Unleash Creativity: Use your creativity and imagination to draw the part that Stickman needs to proceed. Your drawing will directly impact his path to freedom.


  • Escape Puzzle Gameplay: Immerse yourself in the world of escape puzzle games. Plan your drawings strategically to guide Stickman through various challenges and obstacles.
  • Drawing Mechanic: Drawing is at the heart of the gameplay. Your drawings serve as tools to aid Stickman's escape. Use lines, shapes, and creativity to devise innovative solutions.
  • Countdown Thrills: The countdown adds a sense of urgency and excitement to each escape attempt. You have limited time to draw the part that will influence Stickman's fate.


  • Observe Carefully: Take your time to observe the environment and challenges before drawing. Assess Stickman's situation and plan your drawing accordingly.
  • Creativity is Key: Think outside the box and experiment with different drawing techniques. Creative solutions can often lead to unexpected and successful outcomes.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed on your first attempt. Practice and experimentation are key to mastering the art of drawing for Stickman's escape.


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