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About: ChopForge

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey where creativity knows no bounds. ChopForge is not just a game; it's a boundless adventure that invites you to explore, create, and survive in an ever-expansive sandbox world. Dive into unique realms, confront a multitude of challenges, and unleash your imagination as you shape your own destiny. Whether you're an adventurer, a builder, or an explorer, ChopForge offers an immersive experience tailored to your desires.


ChopForge offers gameplay that revolves around exploration, creation, and survival, with limitless possibilities to satisfy a wide range of player preferences:

1. Choose Your Mode: Tailor your experience by selecting between Survival Mode and Creation Mode. In Survival Mode, test your survival skills by gathering resources, crafting tools, and facing various challenges. In Creation Mode, unleash your creativity without constraints, building and designing to your heart's content.

2. Explore Unique Worlds: Dive into a diverse array of unique worlds, each with its own landscapes, biomes, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. From lush forests to arid deserts, there's no shortage of places to explore.

3. Craft Your Destiny: Gather resources from your surroundings, craft tools, weapons, and items, and shape the world to your liking. Whether you're constructing grand structures, crafting intricate machinery, or creating art, the possibilities are endless.

4. Face Diverse Challenges: Prepare to encounter a wide array of challenges, including hostile creatures, environmental obstacles, and puzzles. Survivalists will need to hone their combat and survival skills to thrive.

5. Collaborate and Share: Team up with friends or fellow players to create, explore, and conquer together. The multiplayer aspect of ChopForge allows for collaborative adventures and shared creations.


ChopForge provides several functions to enhance your sandbox adventure:

  • Resource Gathering: Harvest resources from your environment, such as wood, stone, minerals, and more. These resources are essential for crafting and building.

  • Crafting System: Utilize a comprehensive crafting system to create tools, weapons, and items. Experiment with recipes to discover new possibilities.

  • Building and Design: Construct grand structures, intricate machinery, or artistic masterpieces using a wide range of building blocks and materials.

  • Customization: Customize your character's appearance and gear to reflect your unique style. Express yourself in the world you create.


  • A/D or left/right arrow keys = move
  • Space = jump
  • E = open inventory
  • Hotkey 1-9 = use hotkeys
  • Left mouse button = attack/mine
  • Right mouse button = place / use item / interact
  • Esc = pause
  • W/S = fly in creation mode
  • LeftShift = sprint

Categories & Tags

PLATFORM GAMESpixeladventure2dminecraftwebglcraftingblocksurvivalbuildingsandboxmining

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