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About: Shift

Welcome to Shift, a captivating classic platformer game that introduces a unique gameplay mechanic - the ability to invert dimensions! Created by Antony Lavelle, Shift takes you on an adventure where you'll navigate through a world where flipping dimensions is the key to success. Immerse yourself in the intriguing gameplay as you explore levels, solve puzzles, and challenge your platforming skills. Let's delve into the details of how to play, the game's functions, and some valuable tips to excel in Shift.

How to Play:

  • Dimension Shifting: The core mechanic of Shift revolves around dimension shifting. You can invert dimensions, switching between black-and-white versions of the level. This transformation exposes hidden platforms and paths that can be crucial for progression.
  • Navigate the Levels: Your goal is to guide your character through each level, collecting keys and reaching the exit. Dimension shifting is essential to overcome obstacles and access different parts of the level.
  • Collect Keys: As you progress, look out for keys that unlock doors, allowing you to advance further in the game.
  • Puzzle Solving: Shift challenges your cognitive skills as you figure out when and where to shift dimensions. Solving puzzles and outsmarting obstacles require strategic thinking and quick reflexes.


Move with arrow keys and jump with the space bar.

Categories & Tags

PLATFORM GAMESplatformlogicpuzzleflashgravityclassic

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