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About: Noob Trolls Pro

Step into the hilarious world of Noob Trolls Pro, a side-splitting game where mischief and pranks take center stage! In this unique and funny gaming experience, you'll immerse yourself in the role of a crafty prankster, aiming to become internet famous by trolling the unsuspecting Pro. As you embark on mischievous antics and tricks, you must also exercise caution not to get caught by Pro. Get ready for endless laughter and entertainment as you navigate through a world of laughter and cunning strategies. Let's dive into the wacky and entertaining world of Noob Trolls Pro!


In Noob Trolls Pro, you take on the role of the Noob, an aspiring internet sensation known for pulling off elaborate pranks. Your target is Pro, a seasoned expert, and your mission is to execute a series of mischievous antics without getting caught. As you progress through the game, the pranks become more daring and complex, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement.

To make prank videos, you must carefully plan your moves and time your antics to perfection. Make sure to take advantage of the environment, objects, and distractions to divert Pro's attention while you set up your pranks. But be wary, as Pro's keen senses can detect your presence if you're not careful. Getting caught could mean your prank fails, leading to some comical and unexpected consequences!


  1. Prank Variety: Noob Trolls Pro offers a wide array of pranks and antics to keep the gameplay engaging and entertaining. From classic practical jokes to elaborate setups, there's no shortage of funny and creative ways to troll Pro.

  2. Stealth and Timing: The game emphasizes the importance of stealth and precise timing. As a Noob, you must sneak around and avoid detection while setting up your pranks. Finding the perfect moment to execute your antics is key to pulling off successful pranks.

  3. Increasing Difficulty: As you progress through the game, the difficulty level ramps up, presenting more challenges and requiring greater cunning. Pro becomes more vigilant, and you'll need to come up with more inventive tactics to stay one step ahead.

  4. Replayability: Noob Trolls Pro boasts high replayability due to the diverse pranks and multiple ways to complete each level. Experiment with different strategies and try out new pranks to discover hilarious outcomes and secret Easter eggs.


 WASD / arrow keys = move

 E = take an item

 Tab = change camera view

 Numbers = select item in the inventory to set up a trap

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